I was down in Virginia for work again this week. I went down on Monday and came back on Wednesday…sort of. I mean, I was scheduled to come home Wednesday afternoon and that turned into a series of miscues, delays and sleepiness, but it all worked out.
While down there I stayed in a hotel called aloft that has a distinct minimalist, somewhat modern vibe. The room was a big square, the bed was a mattress on a platform, the furniture was more or less built in laminate chunks. There was no proper closet, but instead, a few large cubbies of varying sizes with a curtain you could pull over as a cover. In speaking with a coworker I described it as sort of minimalist metrosexual with a taste of THX-1138. She agreed. Another coworker, one who lives in the area described it as “that new retro place” with clear distaste. Since she is someone I don’t particularly like, and she claimed no interest in checking the place out because she doesn’t “like that kind of thing,” I don’t really care much for her opinion.
For me, it is not the way I choose to decorate my life. Nevertheless, I appreciate the ethic and kind of liked it. I mean, I don’t have a flatscreen hanging on my wall or a glowing blue 50s style alarm clock that lights up noiselessly, I tend toward tv stands and digital displays, but I can appreciate it for what it is. It was like wearing somebody else’s clothes for a couple of days. Why not, right?